Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulphate Biology Essay Example For Students

Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulphate Biology Essay Purpose: To look into how the rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid ( HCI ) and sodium thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) is affected by the concentration of Na thiosulphate. Prediction: I predict that as the concentration of Na thiosulphate doubles, the rate of reaction will duplicate. This is because if you double the figure of atoms you will besides duplicate the sum of successful hits. We will write a custom essay on Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulphate Biology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Sodium thiosulphate + hydrochloric acid i‚Â ® sulfur + Na chloride + sulfur dioxide + H2O Na2S2O3 ( aq ) 2HCl ( aq ) S ( s ) 2NaCl ( aq ) SO2 ( g ) H2O ( cubic decimeter ) Theory: By increasing the concentration of Na2S2O3, you will besides increase the rate of reaction between HCI and Na2S2O3. This is because the more atoms there are the faster the reaction will take topographic point since there is a greater opportunity of a Na thiosulphate atom hitting a hydrochloric acid atom. File: Molecular-collisions.jpg Collision Theory: The hit theory describes how chemical reactions take topographic point and why rates of reaction alteration. The theory states that for a reaction to take topographic point the reactant particles must clash. It besides states merely a certain part of the entire hits cause chemical alteration ; these are called successful hits. The successful hits have adequate energy ( activation energy ) at the minute of impact to interrupt the bing bonds and organize new bonds, ensuing in the merchandises of the reaction. Increasing the concentration of the reactants and increasing the temperature causes more hits and hence more successful hits which increases the rate of reaction. hypertext transfer protocol: // Outline1 Variables:2 Safety:3 Equipment/ Apparatus:4 Method:5 Wear your safety equipment at all times.6 Experiment 1:7 Experiment 2:8 Experiment 3:9 Experiment 4:10 Experiment 5:11 Experiment 6:12 Experiment 7:13 I14 Table of Consequences15 116 4017 2018 None19 46:2520 34.0521 0.033222 33.2 x 10-323 224 2025 None26 30:0627 328 2029 None30 30:5931 432 2033 None34 33:1935 536 2037 None38 29:8139 640 2041 None42 34:3843 144 3045 1546 547 47:9448 48:7649 0.020550 20.5 x 10-351 252 1553 554 48:8455 356 1557 558 49:5059 160 2061 1062 1063 76:0764 74:6965 0.013466 13.4 x 10-367 268 1069 1070 73:2571 372 1073 1074 74:7575 176 1077 578 1579 173:6280 172:7781 0.0057982 5.79 x 10-383 284 585 1586 170:5687 388 589 1590 174:1391 192 693 394 1795 453:5396 451:2697 0.002298 2.22 x 10-399 2100 3101 17102 449:03103 3104 3105 17106 451:23107 1108 4109 2110 18111 600:00+112 2113 2114 18115 600:00+116 3117 2118 18119 600:00+120 1121 2122 1123 19124 1800:00+125 2126 1127 19128 1800:00+129 3130 1131 1913 2 1800:00+133 Try134 Volume of hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) ( 2 moldm-3 )135 Volume of Na thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) ( 40 g/L )136 Volume of distilled H2O ( H2O )137 ( cm3 )138 Entire Time ( seconds )139 0.0332140 33.2 x 10-3141 Average clip142 0.0205143 20.5 x 10-3144 Average clip145 0.0134146 13.4 x 10-3147 Average clip148 0.00579149 5.79 x 10-3150 Average clip151 0.0022152 2.22 x 10-3153 Average clip154 Average clip155 Average clip156 Average Time Graph157 Ratess Graph158 Decision159 Evaluation Variables: Volume of Na thiosulphate usage a measurement cylinder or burette Volume of distilled H2O usage a measurement cylinder or burette Volume of HCL- usage a measurement cylinder or burette Concentration of Na thiosulphate thining the sum of Na thiosulphate with the same sum of H2O each clip. Temperature of room this is because if the room is hot the faster the reaction will be and if the room is cold the reaction between HCl and Na2S2O3 will be slow. Person watching this is because both spouses oculus sight are non precisely the same so while one will see the cross, the other might non. Height of oculus from conelike this is because the closer your oculus is to the flask, the more opportunity you have of seeing the cross. Whereas if your oculus is farther off from the flask, the more opportunity of you non seeing the cross. Type of mensurating equipment used whether you choose to utilize a measurement cylinder for larger or smaller sums or possibly a burette for the sums in the experiment. Concentration of HCl by thining the sum of HCl with the same sum of H2O each clip. Safety: Wear goggles at all times to protect your eyes from any chemicals. Wear baseball mitts to protect your custodies from any acerb spillage. Wear an apron to protect your tegument and apparels. Keep bags, coats and any other objects unrelated to the experiment out of site. .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .postImageUrl , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:hover , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:visited , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:active { border:0!important; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:active , .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u757a015fd6783f4de23f214ae93a409b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Animal farm1 EssayDo non eat or imbibe in the lab. Before get downing work in lab, clean your work country. Clean all equipment before usage. Never look straight into a trial tubing when you have no goggles on. Always use the equipments the manner your instructor taught you. Never gustatory sensation any chemicals. Always with the labels on chemical bottles before usage. Return all lab stuffs and equipment to their proper topographic points after usage. After the experiment ever wash and dry you equipment every bit good as your work country. Sodium thiosulphate can be really harmful when swallowed and can besides annoy the eyes or lungs. If there is a contact between HCl and the eyes or clamber it can do a serious lasting harm. Concentrated solutions of hydrochloric acid are highly caustic ; really dilute solutions are mildly caustic. Toxic by inspiration the concentrated HCl solution releases unsafe measures of H chloride vapor. Equipment/ Apparatus: 6 mensurating cylinders ( 3 ) 25cm3 mensurating cylinders ( + or 0.5 cm3 ) ( 3 ) 10cm3 mensurating cylinders ( + or 0.2 cm3 ) 3 50cm3 burette ( + or 0.1 cm3 ) 3 100cm3 beakers 2 100cm3 conelike flasks 2 laminated little squared documents with a midst cross Hydrochloric acid ( 2 grinder ) same concentration in each experiment Sodium Thiosulphate ( 40g/L ) Distilled H2O Stopwatch Goggless Baseball gloves Apron 3 funnels 3 different coloured ( board ) pens Apparatus ( burette base ) Method: First, clean work surface and equipments e.g. conelike flask, mensurating cylinder e.t.c Collect all equipments and put them on your work country. Topographic point the measurement cylinders, burette, conelike flasks and beakers in three groups -distilled H2O, hydrochloric acid ( HCI ) and sodium thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) . Label the equipments Sodium thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ( aq ) ) ( 40g/L ) Distilled H2O ( H2O ) Hydrochloric acid ( HCl ( aq ) ) 2 moldm-3 Wear your safety equipment at all times. Experiment 1: Measure 20 cm3 of hydrochloric acid and 20 cm3 of Na thiosulphate in 25 cm3 mensurating cylinders. Pour the chemicals in the conelike flask at the same clip and allow your spouse get down the stop watch when the last bead of chemicals beads in the flask. Stop the stop watch when you and your spouse are unable to see the cross underneath the conelike flask. After you have stopped your stop watch and recorded the consequence, pour the mixture off and rinse the conelike flask. This is because the chemicals will solidify if it s non washed/ thrown off. Wash the conelike flask so that the old chemical reaction does nt impact your following experiment. Repeat the experiment once more twice. You can reiterate your experiment once more if you think it s necessary. Experiment 2: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 15 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 5 cm3 of distilled H2O 10 cm3 mensurating cylinder for distilled H2O Experiment 3: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 10 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 10 cm3 of distilled H2O 10 cm3 mensurating cylinder for Na2S2O3 and H2O Experiment 4: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 5 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 15 cm3 of distilled H2O 10 cm3 mensurating cylinder for Na2S2O3 Experiment 5: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 3 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 17 cm3 of distilled H2O Burette alternatively of mensurating cylinder for all solutions Experiment 6: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 2 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 18 cm3 of distilled H2O Burette alternatively of mensurating cylinder for all solutions Experiment 7: Repeat experiment 1 altering the followers: 1 cm3 of Na thiosulphate 19 cm3 of distilled H2O Burette alternatively of mensurating cylinder for all solutions Volume of Na thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) ( cm3 ) Volume of distilled H2O ( H2O ) ( cm3 ) Concentration of Na thiosulphate ( Na2S203 ) ( g/L ) 20 40 15 5 30 10 10 20 5 15 10 3 17 6 2 18 4 1 19 2 I V Na2S2O3 = new Vermont Initial Concentration Volume of Na2S2O3 = New Concentration Entire Volume 1 Rate ( s-1 ) = Average Time ( s ) Table of Consequences Try Concentration of Na2S2O2 ( g/L ) Volume of Na thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) ( cm3 ) Volume of Distilled H2O ( H2O ) ( cm3 ) Entire Time ( seconds ) Average clip ( seconds ) Ratess ( s-1 ) ( 3 important figures ) Ratess in standard signifier ( s-1 ) ( 10-3 ) 1 1 40 20 None 46:25 34.05 0.0332 33.2 x 10-3 2 20 None 30:06 3 20 None 30:59 4 20 None 33:19 5 20 None 29:81 6 20 None 34:38 2 1 30 15 5 47:94 48:76 0.0205 20.5 x 10-3 2 15 5 48:84 3 15 5 49:50 3 1 20 10 10 76:07 74:69 0.0134 13.4 x 10-3 2 10 10 73:25 3 10 10 74:75 4 1 10 5 15 173:62 172:77 0.00579 5.79 x 10-3 2 5 15 170:56 3 5 15 174:13 5 1 6 3 17 453:53 451:26 0.0022 2.22 x 10-3 2 3 17 449:03 3 3 17 451:23 6 1 4 2 18 600:00+ 2 2 18 600:00+ 3 2 18 600:00+ 7 1 2 1 19 1800:00+ 2 1 19 1800:00+ 3 1 19 1800:00+ Table of Results ( for graph ) Experiment Try Volume of hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) ( 2 moldm-3 ) Volume of Na thiosulphate ( Na2S2O3 ) ( 40 g/L ) Volume of distilled H2O ( H2O ) ( cm3 ) Entire Time ( seconds ) Ratess ( s-1 ) ( 3 important figures ) Ratess in standard signifier ( s-1 ) ( 10-3 ) 1 1 20 cm3 20 cm3 None 30:06 0.0332 33.2 x 10-3 2 20 cm3 20 cm3 None 30:59 3 20 cm3 20 cm3 None 29:81 Average clip 30:15 2 1 20 cm3 15 cm3 5 47:94 0.0205 20.5 x 10-3 2 20 cm3 15 cm3 5 48:84 3 20 cm3 15 cm3 5 49:50 Average clip 48:76 3 1 20 cm3 10 cm3 10 76:07 0.0134 13.4 x 10-3 2 20 cm3 10 cm3 10 73:25 3 20 cm3 .u02a53dbe123b1b87270a1fdb693f42ab , .u02a53dbe123b1b87270a1fdb693f42ab .postImageUrl , .u02a53dbe123b1b87270a1fdb693f42ab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; 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clear: both; } READ: Society’s Effect on Women: Exploring Works by Kate Chopin Essay10 cm3 10 74:75 Average clip 74:69 4 1 20 cm3 5 cm3 15 173:62 0.00579 5.79 x 10-3 2 20 cm3 5 cm3 15 170:56 3 20 cm3 5 cm3 15 174:13 Average clip 172:77 5 1 20 cm3 3 cm3 17 453:53 0.0022 2.22 x 10-3 2 20 cm3 3 cm3 17 449:03 3 20 cm3 3 cm3 17 451:23 Average clip 451:26 6 1 20 cm3 2 cm3 18 600:00+ 2 20 cm3 2 cm3 18 600:00+ 3 20 cm3 2 cm3 18 600:00+ Average clip 600:00+ 7 1 20 cm3 1 cm3 19 1800:00+ 2 20 cm3 1 cm3 19 1800:00+ 3 20 cm3 1 cm3 19 1800:00+ Average clip 1800:00+ Experiment 5,6 and 7 are near together because I started with 1cm3 Na thiosulphate and 19cm3 distilled but the reaction was really long so I did 2cm3 Na thiosulphate and 18cm3 distilled H2O which besides took really long to respond. I so tried 3cm3 Na thiosulphate with 17cm3 distilled H2O, which went absolutely good and I decided to utilize low sums of Na thiosulphate because I wanted to cognize how long it took the lowest to respond with HCl besides I wanted to cognize the highest and lowest that I could utilize for my tabular array of consequences. Average Time Graph As the concentration of Na2S2O3 additions, the clip decreases. Ratess Graph As the concentration of Na2S2O3 increases the rates besides increases. Decision The form in my consequences shows that as the concentration of Na thiosulphate increases the reaction clip is diminishing which means that the rate of reaction additions due to the fact that, it takes less clip for a/the reaction to take topographic point. Using the graphs, I can do a decision from my experiment. I can see that with the clip graph as the concentration increased the clip taken for the reaction to take topographic point decreased. There is one variable that has affected the consequences and that is the temperature which may hold changed somewhat, giving an wrong consequence. This is because when the temperature is increased the atoms will hold more energy and so do the atoms move faster. Therefore they will clash more frequently and with more energy. Atoms with more energy are more likely to respond successfully and hits between responding atoms are accordingly more likely to take topographic point, as stated in the hit theory. As the concentration of Na thiosulphate a dditions, the sum of clip lessenings because the reaction is acquiring faster. This is because the higher the concentration, the more atoms there are, so there is a bigger opportunity of successful hits go oning between Na thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. When the concentration of the hydrochloric acid was lower the reaction took longer, this is because there were fewer atoms, so there was a smaller opportunity of successful hits go oning. Evaluation I believe that all my consequences are dependable because I repeated the experiment with consequences I think did nt suit and my tabular array of consequences have merely 3 anomalousnesss which were rather close to the concluding consequences. In my experiment 1, consequences 1, 4 and 6 are outliers because their readings did nt lie within the scope of the other three consequences, there may hold been a mistake in the stop watch or the room temperature changed during the experiment. In experiments 6 and 7, the chemical reaction took rather a long clip even though the solution went cloudy it was nt opaque so, I decided to increase the volume of Na thiosulphate and diminish the volume of distilled H2O. From my consequences I noticed that as the concentration of sodium thiosulphate increased, the rate of reaction besides increased. This is because the more atoms there are in the volume of Na thiosulphate the faster the reaction will take topographic point, since there is a greater oppor tunity of a Na thiosulphate atom hitting a hydrochloric acid atom. This confirms my theory which states that increasing the concentration of the reactants and increasing the temperature causes more hits and hence more successful hits which increases the rate of reaction. To better the truth of my consequences, if I was to make the experiment once more, I would utilize a burette to mensurate the right volumes of Na thiosulphate solution and hydrochloric acid. I realised that I may non hold been precise plenty when utilizing the measurement cylinder. If I did the experiment once more, alternatively of visually look intoing when the cross has disappeared, I would utilize a light metre to mensurate the sum of light left in the reaction. When the reaction turns cloudy, the light metre would observe it. This would give more just and precise consequences. I would besides utilize a H2O bath to maintain the mixture the same temperature. The room temperature may hold been different on the yea rss I did the experiment so this could do anomalousnesss. The equipment I used for my experiments were precise because for greater sums of HCL, Na2S2O3 and distilled H2O I used a measuring cylinder but for smaller sums of HCl, Na2S2O3 and distilled H2O I used a burette to be more precise. I am confident humor my consequences because We measured everything carefully excessively, to guarantee better consequences and we besides found that the higher the concentration of Na thiosulphate the faster the reaction. Overall I think my experiment was a success.

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